George Man Pleads Not Guilty To Four Felony Sex Abuse Counts

Rock Rapids, Iowa — A George man who faces four felony sex-related charges has pleaded “not guilty” to those charges.

According to court records, the 2nd Degree Sexual Abuse charges against 47-year-old Silvester Nason stem from crimes he is alleged to have committed in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. Court records indicate that Nason is accused of indecent contact with a female victim under 12-years of age once in each of those years.

Sheriff Stewart Vander Stoep tells KIWA that the same victim was involved in all four alleged crimes.

2nd Degree Sexual Abuse is a Class B Felony, and if Nason is convicted, VanderStoep says he could face up to 50-years in prison.

Nason entered a written “not guilty” plea this week. He faces a pretrial conference on July 8th, with a trial set at this point to begin on August 20th.



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