Governor: Iowans Shouldn’t Need To Be Told To ‘Be Responsible’ In A Pandemic

Statewide Iowa — Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds says the targeted proclamations she’s issued over the past couple of weeks are equivalent and, in some cases, may be more stringent than the “stay at home” orders 22 other governors have issued.

(As above) “Even in Minnesota’s order that was put in place, 78% of the jobs in their economy are exempted from the Minnesota governor’s ‘shelter in place’ (order),” Reynolds says.

On Thursday, Reynolds ordered more retail businesses to close, including those that sell clothes, shoes, furniture and flowers. More than half the NATION’S population is living in a state where a governor has made some sort of “shelter in place” or “stay at home” directive. Last week, Reynolds asked Iowans not to gather in groups of more than 10 — to limit the spread of COVID by people who have the virus, but do not show symptoms.

(As above) “We are Iowans. I shouldn’t have to issue an order that says you need to stay home and be responsible if you’re not sick,” Reynolds says.

President Trump has asked governors to classify the counties within each state, based on whether the risk level for the coronavirus is high, medium or low. The ratings could be used to loosen restrictions or reopen some regions within states.

