Governor Signs Unemployment, Childcare Bills

Statewide Iowa — Governor Kim Reynolds signed several bills into law Thursday. One shortens the amount of time Iowans can receive unemployment from 26 weeks to 16. It also requires the unemployed to take a lower-paying job more quickly. Reynolds argued that the safety net instituted during the pandemic was leading people to not take jobs, thereby worsening the workforce shortage.

The changes to unemployment rules go into effect July 1st.

The governor also signed a bill aimed at expanding the number and affordability of childcare slots in the state. It allows child care providers to oversee more toddlers without increasing staff.

In addition to raising the child-to-staff ratio for two and three-year-olds, now 16 and 17-year-olds can work for providers without supervision.  Therefore, at-home childcare programs will be unaffected.

Another bill signed Thursday would allow Iowans receiving government-funded childcare assistance to enter into agreements with providers to pay extra money for services. Governor Kim Reynolds signed the bills at the Iowa Association of Business and Industry annual convention in Dubuque. Reynolds also signed a bill in Des Moines that designates February 1st of each year as George Washington Carver Day.

