Grassley Slams Democrats Proposed Elections Bill

Washington DC – Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley spoke on the floor of the Senate Tuesday and turned arguments Democrats are making for a new federal voting law back against them.

The Republican says Democrats say reform is needed after questions about the 2020 election but says they were the first to raise the issue.

He says evidence-free claims of voter suppression are as bad as evidence-free claims of voter fraud.

Grassley says President Trump won in 2016 with a record turnout and President Biden won in 2020 with a record turnout and then Republicans did well with a big turnout in off-year elections in 2021.

And Grassley says with recent polls favoring Republicans they wouldn’t want to restrict turnout. Grassley says it’s time to work together and stop casting doubt on elections.

Grassley says this kind of rhetoric damages civil society and erodes faith in our democracy.



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