High-Visibility Traffic Enforcement In Osceola County This Week

Osceola County, Iowa — As part of the “SIDE with Us” campaign the State Patrol is working with other agencies doing combined traffic enforcement projects to raise awareness of the importance of being a safe driver.

Iowa State Patrol Trooper Kevin Krull says this week the Patrol will be working along SIDE the Osceola County Sheriff Office for a special enforcement effort in that county.

(As above) ” We’re taking the SIDE With Us campaign, which is dealing with the Seat belts, Impaired driving, Distracted driving and Excessive speed…that’s what SIDE stands for, for us. We’re also SIDE-ing with local agencies in doing projects throughout the area. This month…specifically this week…we’re going to be going up into Osceola County, and focusing on those violations, as well, with hopes to reduce the fatality rate and serious crashes.”

He tells us why they’ve chosen to conduct this week’s special enforcement program in Osceola County.

(As above) “We’re looking to go to Osceola County because of a few recent crashes that we’ve been covering and involved with there, to just try and do a high-visibility project there and raise awareness.”

Trooper Krull says the purpose of these special enforcement projects are not just to write tickets. In fact, he says, he’d much prefer to spend the days just patrolling, without having to pull over any violators.

(As above) “That would be a great day, when I could drive through the countryside and just have to wave at people because I have nothing else to do than to say hi, thank you for doing a great job. But unfortunately, that’s not the way it’s working out so far this year. We still have some people travelling at excessively high speeds, the distracted driving is still rising cases for us. Everybody thinks of the phone with that. Of course, you’re probably well aware that if you’re eating something, drinking that coffee…especially if it’s a larger cup…those, too can pose those dangerous distractions on the roadway. So we’re out there trying to do out part.”

He says the increased number of cars and trucks on the road, as well as farm implements, motorcycles and pedestrians, makes this a very dangerous time on Iowa roadways.

(As above) “It is a dangerous time of the year. We’re getting a lot more people out there. This is about the turning point we had last year, when it really broke free. We were doing pretty good with the fatalities, and it was the months of June, July and August that really set us back. So we want to remind people of the good driving habits right now, so that they can be in practice for the summer.”

Trooper Krull asks that you watch your speed and enjoy the trip.

(As above) “We ask that people just watch their speed, slow it down, enjoy the drive in to work, or school, or wherever they’re going. Pay attention to what’s going on around them, and concentrate on being a good, defensive driver.”

Krull says the Iowa State Patrol has a goal of getting the number of traffic fatalities in Iowa BELOW the 300 mark this year. He reminds us that, “the power to arrive alive is in your hands.”



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