HLP Schools: Renovation Estimate More Expensive Than Estimate For Building New

Lake Park, Iowa — The estimates are in for the proposed construction work at the Harris-Lake Park schools in Lake Park. But the results were somewhat unexpected.

Interim Superintendent Les Douma tells us that the cost of renovation somehow was more than the cost of building new.

And, while you might think that would be good news — that for less money, they could have a brand new facility — that was not the reaction that staff and the school board had, says Douma.

The problem is, according to Douma, that there are now fewer options, because the renovation option is off the table, due to bonding capacity.

The district is also considering some other construction work, depending on funding.

Douma says the next steps are a board study session on March 6th to discuss where to go from here, and the next meeting, at which a decision may be made, will be on March 20th. He says he really appreciates the board’s work on this. He says it’s an exciting time at Harris-Lake Park.



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