House GOP Proposes $7.85 Billion State Spending Plan

Northwest Iowa — (RI) — A spokesman for the House Speaker says Republicans in the Iowa House have come up with a “status quo” spending plan for the next state fiscal year that begins July 1st.

At the end of May, a state panel predicted state TAX revenue will drop by 360 MILLION dollars in the next 12 months due to the pandemic-induced recession. During a weekend appearance on Iowa P-B-S, Republican House Speaker Pat Grassley indicated that while that dip is significant, the G-O-P’s previous budget plans held enough in reserve to compensate.

(as said) “Unlike a lot of other states that are going to be pushed to the brink, yes, this will be difficult to get through,” Grassley says, “but we can manage it.”

The House G-O-P plan is to basically keep state spending levels equal to the current year and NOT use any of the state’s cash reserve or emergency funds. That’s because the G-O-P included a roughly half-a-BILLION dollar cushion in the current year’s budget that can be spent instead. Republicans in the Iowa Senate have not released their spending outline yet, but Senate Republican Leader Jack Whitver echoes Grassley’s sentiments about the state’s ability to handle the downturn.

(as said) “A lot of states are having massive cuts because they weren’t conservative up front and we were and so we’re in a very strong position, but we don’t want to put ourselves in a position where we have to come back in January because we overspent and start slashing budgets mid-year,” Whitver says. “If you’re going to make cuts, the time to do it is before the year starts, not halfway though when contracts are signed, employees have contracts in place, so we want to make those tough decisions now.”

Both Whitver and Grassley have said the legislature WILL provide its promised increase in general state aid to K-through-12 schools. The House Appropriations Committee is scheduled to meet early this (Tuesday, June 16th) evening to begin debating the HOUSE G-O-P’s spending outline.



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