Hy-Vee Offering $10 Gift Cards If Customers Get COVID Shot

Statewide Iowa — As the rate of COVID vaccinations in Iowa slows, Hy-Vee is now offering ten-dollar gift cards to every individual who completes their COVID vaccination at a Hy-Vee Pharmacy.

To qualify for the Hy-Vee gift card, a person must get the single shot of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine or a second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines from Hy-Vee. The incentive ends November 11th.

Governor Kim Reynolds has set a goal of getting 75 percent of Iowans vaccinated against COVID by the end of June. Iowa did not reach her goal of getting 65 percent of Iowans vaccinated by the end of May.

The state’s coronavirus website shows just under half of eligible Iowans have gotten at least one shot. About 44 percent of eligible Iowans are fully vaccinated.

