Iowa DNR Investigating Pair Of Sioux County Manure Discharges

Rock Valley, Iowa — Iowa Department of Natural Resources personnel responded to a pair of reports of manure discharges near Rock Valley Thursday afternoon.

According to the DNR, the first came from Remmerde Farms which reported an overflowing manure storage structure. DNR says the discharge reached Dry Creek, a tributary of Big Sioux River. The owner will land apply manure from the storage structure as soon as possible.

DNR staff also investigated a complaint of a manure discharge from a Meadowvale Dairy stockpile. Located west of Rock Valley, DNR officials say the manure runoff is entering an unnamed stream which eventually reaches the Big Sioux River. The owner plans to land apply manure when they can get equipment to the site, and then build a berm to contain future runoff.

DNR Staff reportedly collected water samples at both discharge locations and will send them for laboratory analysis. They report they did not see any dead fish when they checked the creeks. Stream flows are high following recent rains.

The DNR will continue to monitor cleanup and consider appropriate enforcement action.

