Iowa Senate Republicans To Have ‘Super Majority’ In 2023

Statewide Iowa — Republicans have won 34 seats in the Iowa Senate. Jack Whitver is the GOP leader in the Senate.

In January, the Senate GOP will have the required 34 votes to confirm all state agency leaders and board and commission members Governor Kim Reynolds nominates, and Democrats cannot vote to block those appointments. Zach Wahls, the Senate’s Democratic Leader, says his party faced national headwinds that will dissipate when Donald Trump’s influence in the GOP starts to wane.

Wahls says one bright spot for Democrats November 8th was the defeat of Iowa Senate President Jake Chapman, a Republican from Adel. Republicans in the Iowa House appear to have added to their majority, although results in a few races were still unknown early morning on November 8th. Speaker Pat Grassley says Republicans in the Iowa House currently represent all or part of 97 counties.

Iowa House Democratic Leader Jennifer Konfrst says it’s time for Democratic to turn a page and use this election as motivation.

The 2023 legislative session begins Monday, January 9th.

