Iowans Who Want To Help People In Ukraine Can Make Monetary Donations

Statewide Iowa — Iowans who are watching the events unfold in Ukraine and who want to help those in harm’s way need look no further than the Salvation Army.

That international aid organization is in Ukraine serving people in need. Spokesman Dan Furry says the agency has operation centers throughout Ukraine including one in the capital city of Kyiv.

Furry says the best way for Iowans to get help to Ukraine is through a monetary donation.

Furry says the organization has set up an online link for those wanting to make a donation — and it’s

According to the website, “The Salvation Army has a long-standing presence in Ukraine and neighboring countries. Because we are already part of the communities in which we serve, we are on the ground and ready to respond and serve immediately in times of need such as this.”

