Is This The Last Last Supper Performance?

Sheldon, Iowa — Will there be a Living Last Supper put on by the United Methodist Men in Sheldon next year? That’s a question that’s on the minds of many, given current circumstances.

Jim Swartz of Boyden has been involved with the dramatic production for fifteen years. He gives us a look into the current situation.

Swartz says he’s pretty sure it will continue, but they need some help. According to Swartz, if you’d like to be a part of the production in some way, or if your church would like to host a performance, you can call the United Methodist Church office at 712-324-4894. He says they need some new people to volunteer.

Swartz tells us that this will be the 35th annual performance, which he says is a fundraiser to help send kids to camp. He says one year they sent as many as 77 kids to camp. But those numbers fluctuate too. He says today’s youth are pulled in several directions.

This year’s performance is this Thursday night, April 18th at 7:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Sheldon. Swartz says they’ve got different music this year to accompany the performance. All are welcome.



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