ISU Extension calendar addressing “Garden Lore”

Statewide Iowa — Iowa State University’s Extension Department is selling a 2023 calendar that seeks to address some of the “Garden Lore” that’s been circulating the state. Consumer horticulture specialist, Aaron Steil, says they hear a lot of folklore or home remedies that don’t have a lot of research or evidence supporting them. One involves a popular garden flower.

Another myth is you should plant your potatoes on Good Friday.

The internet is the origin of some of the gardening stories — including one Steil has heard quite often.

Steil says the questions have picked up as more people tried their hand at gardening.

The calendar addresses the lore, and he says it’s also a great way to keep track of your work.

The calendar can be purchased from the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach online store, and you can also find it in most of your local county extension offices. It costs eight dollars.



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