ISU Extension Offering Training Courses For Pesticide Applicators

Orange City, Iowa — Iowa State University Extension is launching a series of training sessions for private pesticide applicators. Joel De Jong, an extension field agronomist in northwest Iowa, says the sessions target farmers who apply restricted-use pesticides to their own fields.
sprayer pesticide application

(As above) “If you have a private pesticide applicator license in Iowa, the first time around, you have to take and pass the test offered by the Department of Agriculture,” Dejong says. “After that, you can continue to renew that three-year license by attending a training session every year or by taking a test every three years.”

De Jong says the sessions will cover a variety of information that’s important to anyone who will come in contact with and use all kinds of pesticides.

(As above) “We spend a lot of time talking about health and safety and the risks that go with application, how do we keep the product on the location and reduce the amount of drift,” De Jong says. “We spend time talking about what happens with those pesticides in the environment so we know and understand what kind of risks for the long-term they might cause.”

He says the session will also cover what’s known as integrated pest management.

(As above) He says, “We talk a lot about when we need to use pesticides and when we need to scout for pests so we know when — or when not — to use those products.”

The Sioux County Extension Office will host a training session on January 15th at 7:00 PM, among the first of some 25 meetings being held across Iowa for about 22-hundred private applicators to gain re-certification. That first meeting will be in the Extension Office, Lower Level Meeting Room in Orange City. The registration fee is $20 and pre-registration is required.

Find more information by clicking here.

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