It’s ACT Time For College-Bound High Schoolers

Sheldon, Iowa — Nervous jitters and sweaty palms will probably be experienced by some high school students in Sheldon this Saturday as they sit down to take the ACT, college entrance exam tests.

ACT scores are very important, depending on the college that the test-takers want to apply to. The ACT test covers four academic skill areas: English, math, reading, and scientific reasoning. It also offers an optional direct writing test. It is accepted by all four-year colleges and universities in the United States.

Sheldon High School Guidance Counselor Shelby Bosma talked about this year’s ACT’s, saying, ” This year is an interesting year because a lot of colleges have gone to tests optional due to limited testing availability. Many test centers have been closed or have lowered the number of examines they can allow due to social distancing guidelines. For Sheldon, in order to maintain social distancing,  we have had to limit our number to 60 students, where typically we allow closer to 90 students. On a normal year though, most all four year colleges require students to have an ACT score. In Sheldon we have around 45%-50% of seniors taking the ACT each year.”

Despite many colleges and universities waiving the testing requirements, ACT’s will be offered in Sheldon this Saturday, October 24th, and again on the following Saturdays; December 12th, February 6th, April 17th, June 12th and July 17th.

Story by Sheldon High School Senior and KIWA Intern Ryer Dacken

