Judge Rules In Favor Of Dickinson County In Woodlyn Hills Campground Suit

Milford, Iowa — The new owner of a former golf course in Milford wants to turn it into a place to park campers, travel trailers, and motor homes. But some people who live nearby are not happy with the idea. A group opposed to the campground filed legal action against the county last year claiming procedural errors were made. But a judge says he disagrees.

The suit was over a conditional use permit the Dickinson County Board of Adjustment approved on a 3 to 2 vote on June 6th, 2022 for a 174-unit RV Park at the former Woodlyn Hills Golf Course east of Milford.

The Country View Acres Homeowners Association filed the lawsuit that sought to have the permit invalidated. The group accused the Dickinson County Board of Adjustment of making several procedural errors. They also alleged the RV park violates the county’s Comprehensive Plan and doesn’t meet the criteria needed for a conditional use permit.

District Judge Charles Borth has now ruled in favor of the County of Dickinson.

