King Discusses Ag Secretary Position

Steve King OfficialSheldon, Iowa — Iowa’s 4th District Congressman, Steve King, is at home in the District right now, and called KIWA to discuss some of the things going on, and coming up, in Washington.

We talked about the Secretary of Agriculture position in the Trump administration.  Thus far, President-Elect Trump has failed to nominate someone for this cabinet-level post…the only cabinet-level job left unfilled.  Congressman King told us he doesn’t see a vacancy in the Agriculture Secretary position a problem…at least, not in the short term.

King said he was surprised when Tom Vilsack stepped down a week early as head of the USDA.

Earlier, Senator Charles Grassley had lobbied Vice President-Elect Mike Pence in favor of appointing Spirit Lake farmer, and Iowa Ag Secretary Bill Northey to the federal Ag Secretary post.  King says he agrees with Grassley on Northey’s qualifications for that post.

Congressman King says he really wants to see an Ag Secretary with an understanding of renewable fuels.

The Congressman also told us that he is excited to see all the progress he expects to be made during the first hundred days of the Trump presidency.



Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

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