KIWA Announces the Second Hi-Lo Winner

Robin JungersSheldon, IA — As KIWA celebrates it’s 55th year of broadcasting, a new winner is announced in their weekly Hi-Lo Jackpot Game. Robin Jungers of Boyden was the lucky recipient of $155, guessing the winning weekly number at the last available opportunity for the week. Had she guessed incorrectly, the jackpot would have been bumped to $310 for the last week of play.

To participate in the game listeners, along with being at least 18 years of age, must guess a number between 105 and 1550 to win the $155 prize. The three week contest will continue for one more week, with a new number and jackpot starting on the 29th.

When we spoke with Robin she said that her husband has been helping her keep track of the numbers this week but she didn’t hear one of this morning’s other guesses. She’s very happy to win the money and when asked what she would so with it, she stated that “it would be fun to spend it on clothes”.

Congratulations to Robin Jungers on being this week’s winner of KIWA’s Hi-Lo game!



Seasons Center To Close Camp Autumn

Sutherland, Iowa — Seasons Center officials tell us they’re going to close their camp near Sutherland. Officials with the behavioral health