Kooiker: Final Sheldon Flood-Damaged Item Pickup May Be Friday

Sheldon, Iowa — Sheldon City Manager Sam Kooiker is reminding people that another curbside pickup is scheduled for early tomorrow (Friday) morning, July 12, and that may be the final flood pickup.

Kooiker says the dumpsters, for flood items only, will remain until Wednesday, July 24th, which is the date of the next city council meeting. Kooiker says, “We all recognize the need to eventually ‘land the plane,’ but also recognize that with the FEMA visits, there is clean-up remaining.”

He says it helps reduce the City’s costs if people bring their flood-damaged items to the dumpsters by this evening (Thursday, July 11,) or to have their items on the curb for the early Friday pickup.

He reminds people that they will not take appliances, but says the landfill will take those directly for a $15 fee, or you can save them for regular clean-up week in September. For more information, visit www.sheldoniowa.gov or call the city office.

