Lake Park One Of Nine Cities Participating In Hometown Pride Program

Lake Park, Iowa – Lake Park is on of nine towns in the region that are now actively participating in the Keep Iowa Beautiful “Hometown Pride Program”. In addition to Lake Park, the region’s cities include Albert City, Alta, Aurelia, Lakeside, Marathon, Royal, Sioux Rapids and Storm Lake.

The Hometown Pride Program has been strengthening the economic and cultural vitality of Iowa communities since 2012. To date, 118 towns have participated, including the nine new towns this month. The program has completed two thousand community betterment projects and engaged more than two thousand volunteers.

The Lake Park City Council voted back in October to join the Hometown Pride Program. In an interview at the time, Mayor Matt Carstensen told KUOO Radio that part of the goal of the program is to get more community members involved.

Guided by a Community Coach, local leaders and volunteers collaborate on strategic initiatives with each participating town forming a team to tackle those projects. Carissa Harvey has been hired as the Hometown Pride Community Coach for the nine towns. She has 15 years of experience in plan development and implementation, grant writing and administration, project management and code development. Harvey holds an undergraduate degree in Community and Regional Planning and a graduate certificate in GIS from Iowa State University.

The Hometown Pride programs is made possible through the support of private donors, the Iowa Economic Development Authority and participating communities.

Story courtesy Community First station KUOO in Spirit Lake.

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