Learn How To “Stop The Bleed”

Sheldon, Iowa — In times of injury and disaster, do you know what to do until help arrives? First responders can take up to several minutes to arrive, sometimes even more depending upon where you are. So it may be up to you, or someone you know, to save the injured person until help can arrive.

Kevin Miller is the EMT/Paramedic Coordinator for the Sheldon Community Ambulance Team, and he says there’s a new initiative called, “Stop The Bleed.”

Miller says “Stop The Bleed” provides training into tactics that can help an injured person survive until help gets there.

He says that for many years tourniquets weren’t recommended due to the fear of losing the limb if the tourniquet was left in place too long.

Another method of stopping the bleed is packing the wound. Miller gives details.

He says “Stop The Bleed” is recommended for people of all ages.

If you’d like more information, or want to find a “Stop The Bleed” class in your area, visit bleedingcontrol.org.

