Libertarians Sue Over Iowa Election Law Change

Statewide Iowa — (RI) — The Libertarian Party of Iowa and one of its 2018 candidates have filed a lawsuit challenging a recent change in Iowa election law.

Jake Porter of Council Bluffs, last year’s Libertarian candidate for governor, says it will likely reduce the number of third party candidates who run for office.

Since 1953, third party candidates have had until mid-August to submit the paperwork necessary to get their names on the General Election Ballot. The new state law that goes into effect for the 2020 election moves the deadline up five months, to mid-March. Porter says it increases the advantages Democrats and Republicans already have. The Republican Senator who help steer the bill through the legislature has released a statement. Senator Roby Smith of Davenport says “moving the filing deadline forward for independent candidates simply treats them in the same manner as Republican and Democratic candidates.”

Porter says if the law stands and there’s more than one candidate vying for an office, some candidates who file papers in mid-March won’t get their party’s endorsement at summertime conventions.

The lawsuit has been filed in federal court. There’s been no comment on the lawsuit yet from Governor Reynolds or Republicans who hold the majorities in the Iowa House and Senate.

Photo caption: Jake Porter – Photo Courtesy Radio Iowa

