Local Food Buffet and Salsa Making Competition to be held August 18

Rock Rapids, Iowa — Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach will host a local food buffet and salsa making competition on Saturday, Aug. 18 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the ISU Home Demonstration Garden located at the fairgrounds in Rock Rapids. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Margaret Murphy, Horticulture Educator and Regional Food Coordinator with ISU Extension and Outreach in Lyon, Osceola, Sioux and O’Brien Counties, will host the event.

Murphy states that if you make the best fresh salsa, join their salsa making competition. They even will award prizes for the top three salsas.

Not a salsa maker, but a salsa connoisseur?

Murphy states that not everyone has to make salsa, but they do need individuals to taste the salsas and select the people’s choice best salsa as well.

In addition to the salsa competition, Murphy will host a tomato tasting activity, games for the kids and serve a local food buffet. Families are encouraged to come for lunch and to partake in the activities.

Everyone – young and old – is welcome to join us for the local food buffet, but Murphy asks that you register by Aug. 14 so that they can plan appropriately for food and supplies.

To register, call the ISU Extension and Outreach – Lyon County office at 712-472-2576 or register online at https://form.jotform.com/4Hregion1/2018-horticulture-events. Cost for the local foods buffet is $5 per person.

For more information, contact Margaret at 712-472-2576 or email mmurphy@iastate.edu.

