Majority Leader In Iowa Senate Says Tax Cuts Are Top Priority Next Year

Statewide Iowa — Republicans in the Iowa Senate have re-elected Jack Whitver of Ankeny as their majority leader and he says another round of tax cuts are a top priority for the group.

(As above) “As long as I’m leader, as long as we’re in the majority, tax reform is going to be on the agenda,” Whiter says. “We’ve taken several steps forward with our tax climate in the state of Iowa, but it’s not as good as it needs to be and so we’re going to always continue to work on that.”

Republicans will hold 32 of the 50 seats in the Iowa Senate in 2021. It will be the fifth year of Republican control of the Senate, the Iowa House AND the governorship.

(As above) “Our economy is still fragile with a pandemic going on, but we believe the policies that we put in place the last four years to help businesses, reduce regulations, get people the skills they need for jobs will pay off when we’re trying to rebuild this economy,” Whitver said.

The presiding officer in the senate did not seek reelection and Senate Republicans selected Jake Chapman of Adel to take over that role in January.

Photo of Iowa Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver from Wikimedia Commons



Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

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