Medicare Open Enrollment Period Underway Until December 7th

Sheldon, Iowa — It’s Autumn and it’s after October 15th. That means it’s the Medicare Open Enrollment period. Most of us know that Medicare is the government health insurance that US citizens are eligible for once they reach the age of 65.

But what’s open enrollment? We asked Joel Gesink of Gesink and Vander Wilt Insurance Agency in Sheldon what it’s all about. He says the open enrollment period is just for prescription drug coverage for the most part. He explains.

(as said:) “It’s simply the time frame from October 15 to December 7 where you can go in and change, or drop, or a or sign up for a different health insurance plan with Medicare. This time frame is specifically for prescription drug plans and some Medicare Advantage plans as well. The prescription drug plans you have to or only can change during the open enrollment period we also talked about the Medicare supplement plans those you can do at any time throughout the year as long as you can answer health questions. But still a good time to take a look and review those and see if there’s a better option for you for next year whether pricing or better fit.”

Gesink tells us that unlike with some insurance where agents can only sell the brand of insurance that their company offers, Gesink and Vander Wilt is an independent agency and they can sell you whatever plan works best out of the several that are available.

(as said:) “We can take a look at what plan represents you best and fits your needs best. So there’s 50 different plans and companies out there and we can sell them all and find which ones fit your needs the best.”

Again the Medicare Open Enrollment Period runs from October 15 through December 7. If you want to find out if your coverage is still the best for you, you are advised to call Gesink and Vander Wilt at 712-324-5311 or your insurance agent before Monday, December 7th.

