Sioux Center, Iowa — It’s easy and fun to help others this Christmas season. A community action agency serving our area is holding a fundraiser to help you do that.
Mid-Sioux Opportunity, Inc. is hosting their annual mitten fundraiser by partnering with local businesses in five counties to provide assistance to needy families.
Melany Roling with Mid-Sioux tells us about it.
She says the mittens are paper cut-outs of a mitten that, once they are purchased for a dollar each, are hung in the place of business to encourage others to give as well.
She says they’ve done this fundraiser since 2008.
She gives us an idea of how the money they raise can be used.
She gives us an idea of where you can purchase the mittens.
Mid-Sioux Opportunity, Inc. is a Community Action Agency that fights poverty on the local level serving Cherokee, Ida, Lyon, Plymouth and Sioux counties in Northwest Iowa. You can also purchase mittens in communities in the other counties they serve. Click here for more information.