NCC Gives Another Vehicle Through Charitable Chariots Program

Sheldon, Iowa — Another northwest Iowa family has “wheels” thanks to Northwest Iowa Community College’s “Charitable Chariots” program.

Northwest Iowa Community College (NCC) officials tell us they are proudly continuing their tradition of community service with the donation of a 2008 Chrysler Sebring through the program.

They tell us the initiative aims to provide transportation solutions to families in need while offering valuable hands-on experience to students. The recent recipients, Bohdan and Sasha Panasovych, Ukrainian immigrants newly settled in the United States, expressed gratitude for the gift. “We came to the US with nothing. This gift provides us with a good opportunity for our new lives here because there is very little public transit in Northwest Iowa. We are very thankful.”

The ceremony marking the transition of ownership from the College to the Panasovychs was attended by members of the community, faculty, and students, who witnessed the impact of their collective effort. Gabriel Campbell, an Automotive and Light Duty Diesel student from Everly says, “This is a very cool project. It makes me feel really good that we can help someone.” Thomas Munoz, another student participant from Doon echoed Campbell’s sentiment, stating, “I like helping people out that need a lift up. This is the second Charitable Chariots car that I have worked on. I like learning how to take apart a car, identifying the problem, and then putting it back together.”

The Charitable Chariots Program, an integral part of NCC’s Automotive and Light Duty Diesel and Diesel Technology Programs, has now donated 27 vehicles to families in need across Northwest Iowa.

If you are interested in contributing to the Charitable Chariots program, college officials tell us you can contact Chuck Ball at Northwest Iowa Community College via phone at (712) 324- 5061 or email at  


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