Orange City, Iowa — An Orange City man who manufactures drones, will appear on the KIWA Morning Show with Wayne and Aaron tomorrow morning (Tuesday, August 23rd) to talk about his drones, and to tell about a new exhibition that will make it’s appearance during Sheldon Celebration Days, on Labor Day.
We talked to Jon Noteboom of Midwest Aerial Solutions, and he told us about some of the drones he builds.
Noteboom tells us about these specialty racing drones.
He describes how the races work.
In addition to the racing drones that Noteboom will have at Celebration Days, he will also have some of his other drones on display.
For more information on the Drone Races that will be held Labor Day in the City Park, tune in to tomorrow’s KIWA Morning Show, when Noteboom will be our guest at about 7: 10 am.
If you’d like to know more about Jon’s business, Midwest Aerial Solutions, you visit their website, Or you can check out their Facebook page. You can email Jon at