New More Aggressive Mosquito Found In Iowa For First Time

Ames, Iowa — Mosquito surveillance efforts led by Iowa State University entomologists have found evidence for the first time of a new mosquito in three counties.

Entomologist Ryan Smith says it was believed the Aedes albopictus mosquito would NOT make it through Iowa’s cold temperatures.

It has been found in Lee and Des Moines counties in southeastern Iowa along the Mississippi River, and in Polk County in central Iowa.

He says the mosquito’s ability to carry those diseases changes things.

Smith says it is not something to cause great worry — but it is something to be aware of.

The most common mosquitoes in Iowa are impacted by dry times — but Smith says this new mosquito can manage dry conditions much better.

Smith says this mosquito is very recognizable compared to the ones you usually see in the backyard.

Smith says if you do see this type of mosquito he would like you to let him know by contacting Iowa State University in Ames.



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