New Police Officer Sworn In, New Business Coming To Sheldon And More At Council Meeting

Sheldon, Iowa — Sheldon has another new police officer. That’s one of several things that happened at the Sheldon City Council meeting on Wednesday evening, April 5th.

His name is Nyron Moore, Jr. and he comes to the Sheldon Police Department from the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office. Mayor Greg Geels administered the oath of office.

Scott Simonsen of Sheldon is with Dubak Electrical Group. He spoke to the council about a tax increment financing request or “TIF” for his company to establish a presence in Sheldon.

He tells us they are closing on the former Carl Zeiss property, south of RMT, and that they will soon begin the remodeling process.

Simonsen says they hope to work with local institutions.

The council approved the TIF application and set a public hearing on the TIF matter for April 19th.

In other business, they heard from Sheldon Development Director Curt Strouth about a proposed new housing incentive.

The council approved a resolution waiving reimbursements to the City for lot sales to facilitate the construction of duplexes in Sheldon Crossing and a resolution approving a standard minimum assessment agreement for the program.

The meeting also contained several public hearings, most of which had no comments, written or live.

The council approved the FY23-24 budget. They approved a flag lease agreement for the Sheldon Avenue of Flags, which makes sure that the flags, which are worth almost $100,000, are insured.

They approved the rezoning of some Maintainer properties from arterial commercial to light industrial, and the rezoning of 303 8th Avenue from residential multiple to arterial commercial for Les Starkenburg/Spark’s Door Hardware & Locksmith. They also approved the subdivision preliminary and final plat for the redevelopment of the former Bethel Church site. Plus, they seemed open to a resolution adopting new rates and procedures for the use of the Community Services Center, so that will be placed on the consent agenda for their next meeting.

Public Works Director Todd Uhl also told the council that the work on the Sheldon Crossing stoplight and intersection project is slated to start May 8th and that the work on the trail around the Crossroads Pavilion should start this week.

To watch the full meeting, click here.
Click here for the agenda.


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