New Scam Directed Toward Sheldon Businesses

Sheldon, Iowa — Another day, another scam, this time directed toward Sheldon businesses.

According to Sheldon High School officials, the latest scheme involves an email sent to local businesses, soliciting them to sponsor “2018 Football/Fall Sports Schedule Cards for Sheldon High School.” The email goes on to say that ads are available for sale at either $300 or $500, and says that Sheldon High School gets these pocket size schedules for free to distribute. The email is sent by someone identifying themself as “Jane Lester.”

In an email from Sheldon High School officials, they say the school is NOT affiliated in any way with these solicitation emails, and call the emails a scam. Officials say similar emails circulated earlier this spring, as well.

High school officials urge anyone receiving one of these emails to simply delete it, and not respond.



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