No Sheldon FFA Sweet Corn This Year, But First CRC To Fill Gap

Sheldon, Iowa — Fresh, locally-grown sweet corn will still be available in Sheldon this year, but it will be a little different.

For years, the Sheldon FFA has grown and sold sweet corn in Sheldon. Sheldon FFA Advisor Jacob Fox says they are not doing sweet corn this year, however. But he says they may do it again in the future.

In the meantime, people from the Sheldon Christian Reformed Church have stepped up and will be selling sweet corn at some stores in Sheldon.

Jeffrey Granstra is on a church committee that is heading up the effort.

He says they’ve actually been selling sweet corn for a while now, albeit a little differently.

Granstra says they would be willing to let Mr. Fox and the FFA sell their corn-on-the-cob again if they decide to grow it again in the future, but they were willing to step in and sell some local sweet corn.

Granstra tells us they will start to sell their corn at stores in Sheldon this Tuesday.

He tells us if you’d like some of their frozen off-the-cob corn, you can order that online. He says it comes two ways — straight off the cob, or with the addition of some sugar and salt.

Click here to order frozen, off-the-cob corn

Click here for a flyer with a QR code and more information.

Again, the on-the-cob sweet corn will be sold at Laura’s Vintage Therapy, Uptown Threads, Hy-Vee, and Fareway in Sheldon.

Granstra says proceeds from the corn sales go to help them provide a Christian education for students.
