Northwest Iowa Bridge Projects Get Federal Funding

Northwest Iowa — Two highway bridge projects in our area and two more not far from our area have received federal funding.

The Iowa Department of Transportation has secured a major federal grant to improve aging bridges across the state, and four of them are in our region.

The first one is on Birch Avenue across Klondike Creek in Lyon County. That’s three miles west and three and a half miles south of Larchwood or three miles west and a half a mile north of the West Lyon School.

The second one is in Osceola County at Olive Avenue or County Highway L36 across Polly Creek. That’s in the northwest corner of Sibley, on the west edge of town, just south of 170th Street — or just north of the Sibley Leaf and Tree Dump.

Two other area projects are in Dickinson County. They are 195th Avenue and 140th Street, both across the Little Sioux River.

The Iowa DOT announced last week that the state had received a federal Competitive Highway Bridge Program (CHBP) grant totaling $33.4 million. The grant to Iowa was the largest award made to any state, and will improve 77 bridges across the state – four state bridges, 68 county bridges in 45 counties, and five city bridges in four cities.



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