November Ends A Little Warmer And Much Drier Than Normal In Sheldon

Sheldon, Iowa — The month of November was a little warmer and much drier than normal in Sheldon.

According to the weather facts collected by KIWA Radio, the highest high was 66 degrees, recorded on November 14. The lowest high temperature was 25 degrees, recorded on November 25th.

The lowest low in the month was 5 degrees on November 27th. The highest low was 43 on November 5th.

The average high for the month was 50. The normal is 45. The average low was 24, which is exactly normal for November. The average temperature as-a-whole for the month was 37 degrees, and normally it’s 35.

We received six hundredths of an inch of precipitation for the entire month of November. A normal November sees 0.98, so we were below normal for the month by 92 hundredths of an inch. Year-to-date precip has been 27.49 inches. Normal year-to-date precip would be 26.65, so while November was very dry, we were still 84 hundredths of an inch above normal on the year. The day with the most precip was Black Friday, November 24th, when we received five hundredths of an inch, which fell as a half an inch of snow.

And that is the only snow recorded for November. Normal snowfall for November is 3.3 inches, so we ended the month 2.8 inches below normal. Since September first, we’ve received 2.5 inches. Normal would be 4.3, so we’re 1.8 inches below normal for season-to-date snowfall.



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