O’Brien Relay for Life Raises Nearly $31K

O’Brien County, Iowa — Despite having been postponed from Tuesday evening due to the threat of severe weather, the 2017 American Cancer Society Relay for Life was well attended when held Thursday night (June 15th) at the LLRC on the campus of Northwest Iowa Community College in Sheldon.

The gathered crowd spent the evening in remembrance of those who have lost their battle with cancer, and celebration of those who are still fighting, or who have beaten the dread disease.

The evening included music, games, raffles, a silent auction, and of course, laps walked around the LLRC track.  There was a special “Survivor’s Lap”, walked by all those who have survived cancer, followed by a “Caregiver’s Lap”, honoring all those who helped care for their “survivor” during their cancer experience.

The evening culminated in the always emotional “Luminaria Ceremony”, in which the track is surrounded with lighted lumineria bags in honor of those who are battling, have lost their battle with cancer, and those who have beaten the disease.  During the Luminaria Ceremony, the names of those honored are displayed on the LLRC’s Jumbotrons, and the names are solemnly read as they appear on the screen.

Immediately before the Luminaria Ceremony, O’Brien County Relay for Life Chairperson Cindy Runger announced that, with some monies not yet being tabulated, the 2017 Relay for Life total raised was $30,960.

