Local News

2025 Orange City Tulip Queen Crowned

Orange City, Iowa — A new Tulip Queen reigns in Orange City after having been chosen this week. Jaelye Woudstra was crowned the 2025 Tulip Festival Queen on Monday evening.

Sheldon United Fund Could Use Your Donations

Sheldon, Iowa– Over $2600 in donations were given to the 2024 Sheldon United Fund in the last week. The drive continues through the rest of the year. The goal this

Area Legislators Picked For Leadership Positions

New Hartford, Iowa — Iowa House Speaker Pat Grassley, a Republican from New Hartford has announced appointments for House committee leadership positions in advance of the Ninety-First General Assembly. Grassley

Recent Rains Help Drought Picture In Northwest Iowa

Lincoln, Nebraska — The recent rains have backed northwest Iowa down on the drought scale. According to the US Drought Monitor at the University of Nebraska Lincoln, our entire four-county

Walls Starting To Go Up For New H-LP Elementary School

Lake Park, Iowa — Construction continues on the new Harris-Lake Park Elementary School. Superintendent Gary Richardson tells us the progress is becoming more visible. Voters in the Harris-Lake Park School

Sheldon Mexican Store Celebrates With Ribbon Cutting

Sheldon, Iowa — A new Mexican store has opened in Sheldon and they celebrated with a ribbon cutting on Friday. Sheldon Chamber and Development (SCDC) Executive Director Tania Herrera Gonzales