Panel Dismisses All Challenges Of 2022 Primary Candidates’ Paperwork

Des Moines, Iowa — A Republican candidate for a northwest Iowa State Senate seat will get to run after being challenged by his Republican primary opponent.

The State Objection Panel dismissed a complaint from Iowa State Senate District 3 candidate Lynn Evans of Aurelia who questioned whether his opponent had lived in Iowa long enough to run for office. Anthony LaBruna provided copies of a gun permit and a pay stub from Senator Grassley’s campaign to show he meets the requirement of living in Iowa at least a year before the 2022 General Election. LaBruna, who worked in the Trump White House, says he moved to Iowa after Trump’s 2020 loss and he lists Storm Lake as his current home address.

In addition, a challenge to the nominating papers for Democratic U.S. Senate candidate and Sioux Center native Mike Franken was withdrawn.

The state panel has rejected a challenge that would have booted U.S. Senate candidate Abby Finkenauer off the ballot for the Democratic Primary. The state auditor and Attorney General Tom Miller — both Democrats — voted to reject claims that some signatures on Finkenauer’s nominating petitions were invalid because people had failed to list the date or their apartment number. Miller says the State Objection Panel is following the hard core rules, but should tilt towards letting candidates on the ballot.

Alan Ostergren, the attorney representing the National Republican Senatorial Committee, says the group may ask a judge to review their complaint about Finkenauer’s nominating papers.

A Republican who planned to run against Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks, a fellow Republican, did not contest the challenge of his nominating forms and ended his campaign.

Also, Attorney General Miller was ruled to have qualified for the Primary ballot. Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg took Miller’s place on the Objections Panel during those deliberations.

