Pork Regional Conference To Be Monday In Sheldon

Sheldon, Iowa — If you are a pork producer or someone who works in or around the pork industry, there’s a chance for you to learn and network coming up on Monday in Sheldon, and it’s practically free.

The Iowa Pork Producers Association is inviting the state’s pig farmers to attend one of the five Iowa Pork Regional Conferences being held in February. The events are being held at different locations from Feb. 18 through 22. The Sheldon conference is on Monday, February 18th at Northwest Iowa Community College, Building A, Room 116-119 in Sheldon.

In addition to the regional conference program that runs from 1-4:30 p.m., a separate morning session from 9 a.m. to noon will provide Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) Plus training free to those who pre-register. The PQA Plus training is sponsored by the association and provided by Iowa State University Extension.

Jamee Eggers, the Producer Education Director with the Iowa Pork Producers Association tells what’s planned at all the conferences.

Eggers tells us about the speakers.

She says that if attendees register ahead-of-time, the program is free. If you register the day of the event, the fee is only $5. For more information including how to preregister, visit https://www.iowapork.org/iowa-pork-schedules-regional-conferences-february/.

Other locations include:

Tuesday, Feb. 19 – Audubon Recreation Center, 703 Southside Ave., Audubon, IA 50025
Wednesday, Feb. 20 – Jeff & Deb Hansen Agriculture Learning Center, 2508 Mortensen Rd., Ames, IA 50011
Thursday, Feb. 21 – Washington County Extension Office, 2223 250th, Washington, IA 52353
Friday, Feb. 22 – Borlaug Leaning Center, 3327 290th, Nashua, IA 50658

