Postal Inspector Offers Tips To Prevent Packages Being Stolen From Your Porch

Christmas presentsNorthwest Iowa — If you’re buying, or have bought, gifts for yourself or others on “Cyber Monday”, a United States Postal Inspector wants to remind you how to avoid having your packages stolen after they arrive at your door in a few days.

US Postal Inspector Dave Margritz says you shouldn’t leave packages sitting outside for too long.

Margritz suggests you leave a small note on your door, directing the carrier to leave the package out of sight or with a neighbor.

Margritz says some people have invested in small home security cameras, which are a big help in the investigation of package thefts.

He says holding all your mail while you’re away from home is another option. Learn more at



Dordt Sets Record Enrollment

Sioux Center, Iowa — Dordt University set a record enrollment this fall with 1,943 total students, the largest enrollment in Dordt’s

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