Real Estate Taxes Are Now Due

money cash bills dollarsNorthwest Iowa — It’s that time of year again.  Time to write a check for property taxes to your County Treasurer.

If you own real estate you’re required to pay half-a-year’s taxes on that real estate each six months.  Taxes were actually due on September 1st, but may be paid without penalty by September 30th.

The County Treasurers in northwest Iowa remind you that there are three different ways to pay your taxes.  you can choose to pay your taxes online, at  You can go to your County Treasurer’s Office and pay them in person, or you can mail your check to your County Treasurer’s Office.  If you go to your Treasurer’s Office, or if you mail your tax payment, be sure to bring, or send, the proper stub with your payment.  And remember, if you mail your payment, it MUST BE postmarked on or before September 30th to avoid a penalty.

The County Treasurer’s Offices in the four county area are open Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4:30 pm.

