Regents President Says No Mandatory Vaccinations At State Universities

Statewide Iowa — The president of the Board of Regents says they will continue to try and get vaccinations for everyone at the three state universities but Michael Richards says they won’t require them.

(as said)”The Regents universities will not be mandating any vaccinations for any students employees now, or for the 2021-2022 academic year,” Richards says.

He did encourage students at Iowa State University, the University of Iowa, and the University of Northern Iowa to get a vaccination.

(as said)”I strongly believe in the effectiveness of the vaccines. We will continue to make them available, and we encourage people to get vaccinated — but they will not be required at our three universities,” according to Richards.

Richards noted that some colleges in the U-S are requiring student vaccinations. He made his comments during the Board of Regents meeting Wednesday. The Regents also voted Wednesday to approve the proposed room and board rates. The most popular double residence hall room and meal plan at the University of Iowa will go up two-point-six-nine percent. The rates at Iowa State University will drop on those plans by one-point-one-four percent — while the rates at U-N-I will stay the same.

