Des Moines, Iowa — Friday afternoon, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed into law a bill that does away with the requirement that Iowans get state permits to purchase and carry handguns. The Iowa Permits to Acquire and Permits to Carry Weapons will become voluntary when the new law goes into effect.
Friday afternoon we reported that the new law went into effect when the Governor signed it. We have since discovered that our information source in Des Moines was mistaken on that point. THE NEW LAW GOES INTO EFFECT JULY 1ST. So, until July 1st Iowans WILL need a state-issued permit to purchase or carry a handgun in the state.
Original story posted at 3:27 pm, 4/2/2021
Des Moines, Iowa — Governor Kim Reynolds has signed a bill into law that gets rid of the requirement that Iowans get state permits to purchase and carry pistols and revolvers.
The state permits for buying AND carrying a concealed handgun are now voluntary. The law went into effect just as soon as the governor put her signature on the document Friday.
Critics say the bill creates a loophole on private gun sales, since the state permit process for buying handguns that is now optional requires a background check. Supporters of the law say it gets rid of the state permission slip for a constitutional right under the 2nd amendment.
Governor Reynolds issued a written statement Friday afternoon, emphasizing a section of the law that makes it a felony to knowingly sell a handgun to someone who cannot legally own a gun. Reynolds says state officials will never be able to outlaw or prevent every single bad actor from getting a gun, but this new law ensures law-abiding citizens have full access to their constitutional rights while keeping Iowans safe.
Iowa becomes the 19th state to allow a person to carry a handgun without a permit, or what proponents refer to as “Constitutional Carry.” The other states are Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota (for residents, concealed carry only), Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming (for Wyoming residents only).