Rock Rapids, George Fire Departments Fight Fire

Rock Rapids, Iowa — A wood pile was damaged in a fire on Monday, May 18, 2015 near Rock Rapids.
Rock Rapids FD Fire Department logo emblem 300
According to Rock Rapids Fire Chief Ed Reck, about 4:35 AM, the Rock Rapids Fire Department was called to the report of wood pile on fire at the home of Marc Krull, and Krull Wood Products at 2078 Hickory Avenue, nearly six miles south of Rock Rapids on K52.

The chief says the fire department saw a pile of logs on fire near a building as they approached the scene. He says friends and neighbors used heavy equipment to help fight the fire, and the fire department doused the fire with water. They were able to save the building.

Reck reports that there were no injuries to people, pets, or livestock.

The fire department was assisted by the George Fire Department, who provided water and manpower, says Reck.

He says the cause of the fire appeared to have been embers from a burning pit that the owner reported had been used last two weeks ago. He says the embers appear to have re-ignited in the strong wind.

He says they used between 6000 and 7000 gallons of water to fight the fire, and crews were on scene two hours.

No damage estimate is available.

The Lyon County Ambulance crew provided support on the scene.



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