Rural Sheldon Couple Now Air BnB Hosts

Sheldon, Iowa — Most of us have probably heard of Air BnB, but most of us aren’t aware of exactly what it is, or that you can use it to book lodging almost anywhere in the world.

A rural Sheldon couple, Amy and Gene Bomgaars are now Air BnB hosts. Amy tells us more about Air BnB.

Amy’s husband, Gene, says one of their daughters planted the idea of becoming an Air BnB.

Amy tells us that Air BnB’s aren’t limited to exotic, or tourist destinations.

She says they have had all different types of guests since opening their Air BnB.

Amy tells you how you can make an Air BnB reservation.

Gene says their Air BnB has earned Superhost status.

Amy stressed that, although it’s called Air BnB, very few of the locations around the world serve breakfast, or any other meal.

One of the advantages of staying in an Air BnB is that it’s a more relaxed, laid-back atmosphere than a hotel, and is normally more budget-friendly than renting a hotel room.

The Bomgaars’ say that on the night of Air BnB’s largest world-wide booking, they had more stays than the top five hotels in the world, combined.

Photo Courtesy Radio Iowa




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