Sanford Sheldon Has New Med Drop-Off Box

Sheldon, Iowa — Last week we told you about National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. There are two of them every year, and last Saturday was the second one for 2018.

Since then, KIWA has been made aware of a new 24-hour prescription drop-off box in Sheldon. Sanford Sheldon pharmacy manager April Lundquist tells us that it’s located inside the main entrance of the hospital.

She says employees, patients, family members, and actually anyone is welcome to use the box to drop off unwanted or unneeded medications.

Lundquist gives us some tips for using Sanford Sheldon’s prescription drop-off box.

According to Lundquist, there are several reasons people should use the box to dispose of medication. The three big ones are safety, environmental, and potential for abuse.

She tells us that the drop-off box is available whenever the hospital is open, which is 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Click here to locate other DEA Compliant locations.

**note Sanford Sheldon is not listed yet as it is a new site

Click here for more information about drug take-back program.

Information from the Iowa Board of Pharmacy:


Items that CAN be Accepted Items that CANNOT be Acepted
-Controlled or non-controlled medications

All expired, unused or unwanted medications such as:

•Over the counter medications

•Prescription medications

•Prescription patches

•Prescription ointments


•Pet medications

Liquids should be tightly capped


Trash, regulated medical waste, sharps, syringes, thermometers, hazardous waste, aerosols, illicit drugs or commercial waste




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