Saturday Is Drug Take-Back Day

Statewide Iowa — The head of the Iowa Office of Drug Control Policy, Susie Sher, is encouraging everyone to take part in the national Prescription Drug Take Back Day this Saturday.

Sher says it also ensures the medications are properly removed.

There are national take back days every year in the spring and fall. Sher says the results here show the events are successful.

There is a website where you can find a place to take your unneeded prescription drugs.

Again, that’s There are also some 400 permanent drop off areas across the state. There aren’t very many sites listed near Sheldon, but most pharmacies in the area, most medical clinics, and a number of law enforcement centers have the permanent drop boxes.

Again, that’s The national take back day Saturday runs from It will run from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.



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