Saturday’s “END IT For Autumn” Color Run To Benefit Camp Autumn

End It For AutumnOrange City, Iowa — A “color run” is planned on Saturday (April 8) as a benefit for Camp Autumn, a new therapeutic camp for kids in northwest Iowa, created through Autumn’s Center at Seasons Center for Behavioral Health in Spencer.

Seasons Center officials say Autumn’s Center is a regional children’s center serving northwest Iowa children and their families. Autumn’s Center was named in honor and memory of Autumn Elgersma, of Orange City who died on October 31, 2013 after being hospitalized for two days due to the abuse she endured while in the care of her babysitter.

end it color runColor Run coordinator, Cindy Cleveringa says the Second Annual “END IT! for Autumn Color Run/Walk” will take place on Saturday, April 8, 2017 at Veterans Park in Orange City. She says Camp Autumn will open in O’Brien County this summer.

She says the Color Run is for the whole family.

She says participants will be “colored” by a non-toxic cornstarch-based colorant.

Registrations are being accepted by visiting The run begins at 9 AM in Veterans Park. A free kid’s carnival and pancake feed will follow the event.

For more information on the Color Run or services provided by Seasons, Autumn’s Center, and Camp Autumn, you can visit or call 800-242-5101.

