School Board Approves 2016-17 Teacher Contracts

apple for the teacher school deskSheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon Community Schools Board of Education met in special session Monday night, and approved the negotiated contract for the 2016-17 school year with the Sheldon Education Association, the union that represents the District’s teachers.

The contract calls for a $650 increase in base teacher salaries, from $39,450 to $40,100.  It also specifies a $125 increase in the co-curricular calculator from $3,500 to $3,625.  In addition, there will be a $442.80 increase in the District’s contribution towards health insurance, from the current $6.245.04 to $6,687.84, which also includes decreasing the insurance deductible from $2,000 to $1,500.  There were some minor contract language changes, as well.

The Board also authorized the issuance of individual teacher contracts for the 2016-17 school year at Monday’s meeting.  For a complete list of the teachers and contracted salary amounts, click here.

The Board also authorized the issuance of certified staff co-curricular, or coaching, contracts for next school year.  For a complete list of the coaches and contracted salary amounts, click here.

In other action, the Board approved a $5.00 per student increase, from $205 to $210 for the 2016 Summer Driver Education program teacher compensation.  Driver Education teachers are Chuck Johnson, Donna Nagel and Brad Zeutenhorst.  The District had done comparisons with other area school districts as far as Driver Education teacher compensation, those comparisons found rates ranging from $100 at West Monona to $210 at Woodbury Central.  In addition, the Board set the tuition for non-resident students who wish to take part in Sheldon’s Driver Education program at $350 for this summer.  Resident students of the Sheldon Community School District, both public and private, do not pay any tuition for the Summer Driver Education Program.

The Board also voted to increase the District’s Substitute Teacher pay for the 2016-17 school year by $5.00, from $115 to $120 per day.

