Sheldon, Iowa — When the Sheldon Community School District Board of Education held their regular monthly meeting Monday night, February 13th, they heard a presentation about the fifth through twelfth grade Talented and Gifted or “TAG” program.
First-year TAG teacher Marty Van Westen said he wanted to introduce himself to the board and tell about what he is doing with the TAG program, as well as tell about the vision he has for the TAG program. The school board asked a lot of questions and appeared to be very interested in what Van Westen had to say.
In board action, the board approved the second reading of the board goals regarding instruction and learning, facilities, and finances; and the second reading of a board policy review.
The board approved an open enrollment request into the district from a student in the Boyden-Hull district.
The board also approved three resignations. Brett Gregory is resigning from his vocal music position. Katie Morris is resigning from her middle school volleyball coaching position. And Beth Langton is resigning from her HS Spanish teaching position. Gregory and Langton’s resignations would not be until the end of the school year. The board approved Morris’s volleyball coaching resignation pending finding a suitable replacement.
The school board also approved the wrestling program sharing agreement between the Sheldon Community School District and the South O’Brien Community School District. This is the same agreement that has been in effect since 2002.
The next meeting of the Sheldon School Board will be on March 13th at 5:00 p.m. in the Sheldon High School Library.