TIME CHANGE: Seasons Center To Honor Victims, Educate Public At Drive Thru Events

TIME CHANGE:   Seasons Center has changed the time of the Driven by Hope event tonight (April 23) in Sioux Center. It is now from 7:30 – 8:30 PM. No location change, it will remain at the Sioux Center Library. As an incentive to encourage people to come, they will be giving away to lucky winners, one $50 Wal-Mart card and five $10 gift cards to various restaurants in Sioux Center.



Spencer, Iowa — Seasons Center for Behavioral Health is hoping to do some education while honoring victims of crime with a couple of unique events this week.

Taylor Prather, Seasons Center’s Prevention & Education Coordinator tells us they will be hosting two drive-thru story events called “Driven by Hope” to educate their communities and honor victims of crime during National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.

(as said) “The funding for this project came from the National Association of VOCA [(Victims of Crime Act)] Assistance, which is really just an organization that really focuses on victims of crime and offers justice for those individuals. So yeah, the event itself… we’re really just looking to provide some awareness to the communities as well as show that we are here to support victims and provide individuals in the community with resources and knowledge.”

She tells us what to expect if you go.

(as said) “It’s kind of a drive-through story experience. So there will be big signs with statistics as well as survivor stories kind of throughout the little way that you’ll be driving and then you’ll also receive a tote bag full of some goodies as well as have the opportunity to light a candle and leave a message of hope for victims.”

Seasons staff assure us that the events will have proper COVID restrictions and measures in place.

There are two opportunities, one in Spencer and one in Sioux Center. On Thursday, April 22, the Driven by Hope event will take place at Hope Church, 919 Grand Avenue, in Spencer from 5:00-7:00 PM. On Friday, April 23, the Driven by Hope event will take place at the Sioux Center Library, 102 South Main Avenue in Sioux Center from 5:00-7:00 PM  7:30 – 8:30 PM. Family Crisis Centers are supporting this event with resources and volunteers.

No registration is required and this event is free and open to the public.

To learn more about this event, you can contact Taylor Prather at tprather@seasonscenter.org and visit Seasons’ Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/SeasonsCenterForBehavioralHealth/.

